By Becky La Plante, L.Ac.
Licensed Acupuncturist
In Chinese Herbal Medicine and Nutrition there are over 365 plants, foods, minerals and animals that known to have medicinal properties. Each herb works with one or more organs, has particular temperatures, flavor/tastes, and directions/flows and energy pathways.
The summer is considered the greatest of yang and humans are effected by the heat, which along with feeling hot and humid we are prone to get other illnesses aggravated by these temperatures and conditions.
Below are a yin cooling foods and herbs used in Chinese Medicine to help cool you down, and if you do get sick, to help heal you. Herbs are best used in partnership with each other. For any questions, please contact me through my website above.
Watermelon: There is a reason why this juicy fruit is abundant in the summer. It is used in Chinese Nutrition for summer heat and to cool you down down the body and the blood. Although watermelon is 90 percent water, it can have diuretic properties to help clear toxins from your body, so make sure you don't use it as a subsitute for water.
Chinese Name: Bo He
Again, if it grows in the summer it usually can heal ailments of the summer. Mint is abundant in the summer and can be found wild in nature. Make a tea with some fresh mint, or add it to your water to cool your self down.
It is used in Chinese Medicine to expel wind heat particularly from the head region - for fever, headaches, red eyes, cough, sore throat.
Chrysanthemum Flowers
Chinese Name: Ju Hua
Crysanthemum is another cooling herb and is great made into an iced tea. It is used for general cooling and medicinally for fever, headaches, eye problems, and sore throat. It can be used as a compress for red inflamed eyes and infections.
A Very Common Herbal Formula for a Summer Cold
Chinese Name: Yin Qiao Wan
English Name: Honeysuckle and Forsythia Formula
Common cold, flu, general immunity, fever w/slight or no chills, headache, desire for fluids, cough, sore throat.
Licensed Acupuncturist
In Chinese Herbal Medicine and Nutrition there are over 365 plants, foods, minerals and animals that known to have medicinal properties. Each herb works with one or more organs, has particular temperatures, flavor/tastes, and directions/flows and energy pathways.
The summer is considered the greatest of yang and humans are effected by the heat, which along with feeling hot and humid we are prone to get other illnesses aggravated by these temperatures and conditions.
Below are a yin cooling foods and herbs used in Chinese Medicine to help cool you down, and if you do get sick, to help heal you. Herbs are best used in partnership with each other. For any questions, please contact me through my website above.
Watermelon: There is a reason why this juicy fruit is abundant in the summer. It is used in Chinese Nutrition for summer heat and to cool you down down the body and the blood. Although watermelon is 90 percent water, it can have diuretic properties to help clear toxins from your body, so make sure you don't use it as a subsitute for water.
Chinese Name: Bo He
Again, if it grows in the summer it usually can heal ailments of the summer. Mint is abundant in the summer and can be found wild in nature. Make a tea with some fresh mint, or add it to your water to cool your self down.
It is used in Chinese Medicine to expel wind heat particularly from the head region - for fever, headaches, red eyes, cough, sore throat.
Chrysanthemum Flowers
Chinese Name: Ju Hua
Crysanthemum is another cooling herb and is great made into an iced tea. It is used for general cooling and medicinally for fever, headaches, eye problems, and sore throat. It can be used as a compress for red inflamed eyes and infections.
A Very Common Herbal Formula for a Summer Cold
Chinese Name: Yin Qiao Wan
English Name: Honeysuckle and Forsythia Formula
Common cold, flu, general immunity, fever w/slight or no chills, headache, desire for fluids, cough, sore throat.