Sometimes the best way to get out of bad habits is to create a new habit that is more rewarding to our body, mind and spirit.
Below are some free, easy simple ways aid your body in it’s natural ability to heal itself. Start with 1 or 2 and pay attention to how your body feels.
1. Get enough sleep: Do not use computers, phones, tv after 10:30 pm-This is just one article to explain how they disrupt your sleep. Sleep is important you’re your body to recover and heal itself. Here are two articles with more information on sleep.
2. Reduce sugar, dairy, caffeine and alcohol and processed food intake: These foods all take energy for your body to process which takes away from it’s reserves to heal itself.
3. Take 15 minutes or more of time outside in nature: listen, look, smell, and feel your surroundings- Trees, birds, plants, rocks, etc all live in the present moment, by taking the time to sit with nature, we are able to resonate with the present moment and find clarity and peace outside the chaos of our minds and society.
4. Move for at least a half hour a day: What ever you decide to do whether light stretching, walking, running, dancing, tai chi, yoga, swaying back and forth in place will help the blood flow in your body of which in turn helps your body to heal it’s self.
5. Daily practice: whether it is meditation, mindful dish washing, painting, yoga, crafting etc.- your body needs to get out of it’s logical mind of which uses up energy that it needs to use to heal itself. Below is just one article about this:
6. Drink 64 ounces or more of water a day. depending on your body weight. Most people are dehydrated, and your body cannot heal itself when it is dehydrated. Chronic dehydration leads to inflammation, depression, fatigue, heart burn, and many more disorders. Soda, coffee, juice, sugary drinks and even tea are all diuretics meaning they take water away from your body so if you feel the need to drink something other than water, you will need to add extra water above those 64 ounces . Below is just one article that explains a little more about chronic dehydration.