Granville Gorge During a Rain Storm
By Becky La Plante, L.Ac.
After 4 days of rain and during a holiday weekend on top of it, we are all cursing the rain and sick of the cold weather. But, when was the last time you slept in being soothed by the white noise of the rain outside, or spent a holiday at home rather than out and about shopping and active?
Rain is an opportunity to go with in and be quiet. In Chinese Medicine, rain is very yin and yin symbolizes the internal, the feminine, the unknown, the water element.
After being back for a year from Southern California, I have notice that it is only the sunny clear days we appreciate, and the rest of the days that aren't sunny we complain about. Before I moved to Southern California many years ago, I loved nature, but I wasn't fully appreciative of different flavors of the seasons and the elements. It took 11 years of living in a city with only a few rain showers a year, a month of cloudy mornings and a regular forecast of SUNNY days to have me truly appreciating the rain.
I have taken many classes for wilderness survival skills and the philosophy of living with the earth, and if it was raining for the whole week, there were no other options other than suck it up and get wet and dirty. At first it was hard, cold, uncomfortable, but after a while we got use to it and it turned out to be just like any day and a very bonding experience.
There is something so freeing to be able to be comfortable in the elements like the animals and to realize that we as humans are tougher and more resistant than we give ourselves credit for, and we are missing out on a whole other side of life.
So I challenge you to put on some warm clothes, a little rain gear at first, and take a walk in the rain. It is very healing and we all need to toughen up a little and appreciate all states of life even if they are uncomfortable at first. Explore what is beyond your comfort zone! And most important of all, it's the sunny crisp, clear days after the storm that are the most memorable, and as I always remind myself. "You can't experience the light without having experienced the darkness."
Below is a link to how the negative ions created from the breaking of the water molecules actually causes well being and healing to our physical and mental bodies. Enjoy!